Läs hela (Online access for Linnaeus University) (fulltext) (JSTOR Arts and Sciences III) Bestånd: 1941 Vol. 1 - 2020 Vol. 74 (Restricted access to LNU)(JSTOR Arts and Sciences III) Öppettider, adress m.m.


Läs hela (Online access for Linnaeus University) (fulltext) (JSTOR Arts and Sciences I) Bestånd: 1936 Vol. 1 Nr. 1 - (Embargo: P2Y)(Restricted access to LNU)(JSTOR Arts and Sciences I) Öppettider, adress m.m.

Journals. Explore our growing collection of Open Access journals. Early Journal Content, articles on JSTOR published prior to 1923 in the United States and prior to 1870 elsewhere, is also freely available on JSTOR. Even more content is available when you register … 2020-04-21 More than 6,500 Open Access ebooks from 90 publishers, including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter, and University of California Press, are now available at no cost to libraries or users..

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Citizenship: Ukraine. E-mail: tbanakh at yahoo.com. Education: 09.1984-06.1989: Mathematical Faculty of Lviv State  Thus in Vif,lnu PuraJ)a (4.8.1) it is stated that a prince of the Lunar race, Saunaka , son of Grtsa- mada, became a Brahmana and introduced the caste system  Anders.Pehrsson@lnu.se. Abstract.

(JSTOR Arts and Sciences II:Full Text) Bestånd: Available from 1997 volume: 24 issue: 1. (KB+ BIBSAM Wiley Database Model 2019-2021:Full Text) Öppettider, adress m.m.

JSTOR (/ ˈ dʒ eɪ s t ɔːr /; short for Journal Storage) is a digital library founded in 1995 in New York City, United States.Originally containing digitized back issues of academic journals, it now encompasses books and other primary sources as well as current issues of journals in the humanities and social sciences. It provides full-text searches of almost 2,000 journals.

Från företagsekonomi, marknadsföring till nationalekonomi! Läs hela (Online access for Linnaeus University) (fulltext) (JSTOR Arts and Sciences I) Bestånd: 1936 Vol. 1 Nr. 1 - (Embargo: P2Y)(Restricted access to LNU)(JSTOR Arts and Sciences I) Öppettider, adress m.m. JSTOR pieejami žurnāli no vadošajām izdevniecībām: Sage Publications, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, John Wiley & Sons u.c.

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av S Stenman — Education, 13(3), 249-261 URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3098752. Croxton http://lnu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1039657/FULLTEXT01.pdf. SCB .

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2020-08-09 Länk till Zoom: lnu.se/drop-in. Databaser Cambridge Journals. DOAJ. JCR (Journal Citation Report) JSTOR.
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A collection of electronic books and full-text journals. Books are provided by leading academic and open access publishers. Journal titles are usually covered from their first issue, excluding only the most recent 2-5 years. Subject Guides. Subject Guides contain resources related to subjects, topics, or courses.

Länk till Zoom: lnu.se/drop-in JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways.
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More than 6,500 Open Access ebooks from 90 publishers, including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter, and University of California Press, are now available at no cost to libraries or users.. High-quality content: These titles reflect JSTOR’s high standards for quality content and are freely available for anyone in the world to use. Ease of use: Users won’t need to register or log

Institute of Mathematical Statistics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve HO\JOON..r-LNU\Co UNr-cyOD ON 04*to\ 04O0*(NOONHHnN0400* OH -II. 2 Oct 2018 E-mail address: daniel.alvunger@lnu.se E-mail address: daniel.alvunger@lnu. se Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40375403. 26 Apr 2018 20(5), 1134–1136. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4458518?seq=1# page_scan_tab_contents. Courvalin, P., & Trieu Cuot, P. (2001).

Institute of Mathematical Statistics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve HO\JOON..r-LNU\Co UNr-cyOD ON 04*to\ 04O0*(NOONHHnN0400* OH -II.

Torsdagar kl. 12–14. Länk till Zoom: lnu.se/drop-in JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. 2020-08-09 Länk till Zoom: lnu.se/drop-in. Databaser Cambridge Journals.

For best results choose "Advanced Search" and limit by Type=Article. Project Muse.